Benchmark Instances

The benchmark instances we used in our experiments came from a combination of sources, including the SAT Competition, Hardware Model Checking Competition, and various instance generators. We outline the benchmark instances for each category in detail here:


For this category, we take instances from the Agile track of the SAT competition:


For this category, we take instances from the Verification track of the SAT competition:

We also generate scaled versions of the rolling instances from the HWMC Competition, using abc.


For this category, we take instances from the Crypto track of the SAT competition:

We also generate CNF encodings of the SHA1 and SHA256 preimage problems using this SAT encoding tool and vary them by randomly restricting their input bits.


For this category, we take instances from the Crafted track of the SAT competition:

We also generate instances using cnfgen:


For this category, we take instances from the Random track of the SAT competition:

We also generate instances using cnfgen: